Friday, December 27, 2019

The Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini - 1296 Words

In the End In The Kite Runner, a novel by Khaled Hosseini, the main character Amir is a non-athletic intellectual boy who enjoys stories and flying kites. His servant and friend Hassan has an uncanny gift for knowing where downed kites have fallen and therefore can fetch a kite quite quickly and efficiently. In the beginning of the novel, Amir thinks back on how he became such a troubled adult. Reflecting on his childhood, he contemplates how he had been scared to stand up for others. He had been the child of a wealthy man and taken what he had for granted. He had a Hazara boy that served as his best friend, figuratively and literally, yet he still delineated between the classes. One day Amir witnesses Hassan being taken advantage of in an alley following a kite flying competition. He has the opportunity to stop it, but does not. He could not accept a Hazara as his true friend, or get over the fear of embarrassment of helping a Hazara. Over the course of the novel, Amir’s Character matu res greatly because of the subsequent effects of witnessing Hassan’s rape . The first way Amir’s maturity can be seen in result of Hassan’s rape is the way that he sees the world and the people in it, changes over the course of the book. In the beginning of the book Amir has very particular ideas about people and their social status. At the time of Hassan s rape, he sees Hazara s as subservient to the Pashtuns. Even though he and Hassan has been raised together and have a specialShow MoreRelatedThe Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini883 Words   |  4 Pagesregret from past encounters and usually feel guilty and bitter about the situation. The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini, revolves around the theme of redemption. Redemption can be used as a cure for guilt. Throughout the novel, the author shows that redemption requires some sort of sacrifice and the only way that is possible is if you can forgive yourself from the mistakes you have made in the past. Khaled Hosse ini effectively portrays redemption through motifs such as rape, irony and flashbacks, symbolismRead MoreThe Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini1651 Words   |  7 Pages  Ã‚  Ã‚   The novel â€Å"The Kite Runner† by Khaled Hosseini describes the life of a boy, Amir. Amir’s best friend and brother (although that part isn’t known until towards the end), Hassan, plays a major role in Amir’s life and how he grows up. Hosseini portrays many sacrifices that are made by Hassan and Amir. Additionally, Amir seeks redemption throughout much of the novel. By using first person point of view, readers are able to connect with Amir and understand his pain and yearning for a way to be redeemedRead MoreThe Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini1655 Words   |  7 PagesSarah Singer Major Works Data Form Title: The Kite Runner Author: Khaled Hosseini Date of Publication: 2003 Genre: Historical Fiction Historical information about the period of publication: Since the September 11th attacks in 2001, the United States has been at war with Afghanistan. Their goals were to remove the Taliban, track down those in charge of the attacks, and destroy Al-Qaeda. Biographical information about the author: Khaled Hosseini was born in Kabul, Afghanistan, in 1965. HIs motherRead MoreThe Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini1098 Words   |  5 PagesIn The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, we learn a lot about Amir the main character, and Hassan his servant/brother. In the beginning Hassan and Amir’s relationship was one of brotherly love despite the fact that Hassan was a Hazara and Amir a Pashtun. Back in the 1970’s race and religion played a big part in Kabul and these two races were not suppose to have relationships unless it was owner (Pashtun) and servant (Hazara). Baba Amir’s father had an affair with Hassan’s mother, but it was kept aRead MoreThe Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini1313 Words   |  5 Pagesis not unique to just J.K. Rowling. Khaled Hosseini also incorporates life experiences into some of his novels. A prime example of this is The Kite Runner. The storyline of this novel reflects his past to create a journey of a young Afghanistan boy, whose name is Amir. This boy changes drastically throughout his lifetime from a close minded, considerably arrogant boy to an open hearted and minded man. This emotional and mental trip is partially based on Khaled Hosseini’s own life. Throughout Hosseini’sRead MoreThe Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini1908 Words   |  8 Pages​In the novel, â€Å"The Kite Runner†, written by Khaled Hosseini, was taken place in Afghanistan during the 1970’s to the year of 2002. Many historical events happened during this time period and Hosseini portrayed it into his novel. Kabul, the capitol of Afghanistan, was a free, living area for many Afghanistan families to enjoy the life they were given. Until one day, Afghanistan was then taken over and attacked. In the novel, Amir, the protagonist, must redeem himself and the history behind his actionsRead MoreThe Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini1050 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"There is a way to be good again.† (Hosseini 334). This quote given by Rahim Khan to Amir holds a great amount of force and symbolism. In theory, this quote symbolizes the beginning of Amir’s path to redemption. The eye-opening Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini tells about the struggles of Afghanistan before and during the Taliban, and one’s struggle for redemption and acceptance. With regards to the opening quote, some see Amir’s actions as selfish. However, others may believe that Amir truly changedRead MoreThe Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini1583 Words   |  7 Pagesnovel the Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, Amir, the main character, shares his thoughts and actions due to his poor decisions. The problems he encountered were all because of the sin committed in his youth. His sins taunted the beginning of his life and gave him a troublesome memory full of guilt. As the novel continued, Amir attempted to disengage the memory of his sin and forget about it. Amir then faced the long bumpy road to redemption. Khaled Hosseini’s novel the Kite Runner is about sinRead MoreThe Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini871 Words   |  4 Pagesthat person is trying to fix that mistake. This also applies to the novel The Kite Runner. The story revolves around the main character Amir, and his childhood friend, Hassan. After Amir came to America with Baba, his father, he still regrets the things he had done to his childhood friend. He left Hassan getting raped by Assef in a small alley in 1975. Thereafter, Amir always feel regret and seeks for redemption. Hosseini -the author, argues that redemption can be achieved by helping others, teachRead MoreThe Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini3402 Words   |  14 Pagestitle â€Å"The Kite Runner† is symbolic as fighting kites and the kite runnings are impacting moments in the novel. Hassan was the best kite runner in Kabul, if not the whole country, after Amir won the kite fighting the running of that last blue kite triggered the monumental changes for Amir. For the beginning of the story the kite running was associated with Hassan’s rape and Amir’s grief. As kites appear throughout the story, they begin Amir’s story and also end it. Amir flying the kite with Sohrab

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Health Promotion For Smoking Within Adult Population

Health Promotion for Smoking within Adult Population Ashley Davis Chamberlain College of Nursing Miramar FL Tobacco has been around for many years. Tobacco was usually harvested and used by the Native Americans for religious and medical purposes. It wasn’t until settlers from the countries across the globe came and found it to be their main source of money if it was crop grown. They would chew it or put it into a pipe: By the late 19th century, cigarette making machines were invented and the use of cigarettes became more popular. Cigarette production was going up by the billions by the 20th century and in 1964 the Surgeon General of the U.S wrote a report about how dangerous smoking would potentially be. (History of†¦show more content†¦Due to smoke use, there are hundreds of thousands of Americans that die due to tobacco- related illnesses, like cancer and heart disease, each year. Cigarettes carries a heavy burden on the U.S. economy and medical care system. This is the reason why tobacco is the nations deadliest and costly social health challenge. In nursing we have to educate adults on the dangers of smoking. We already have wide access to patients that are in different settings. Nurses have many simple ways to encourage the adult client to seek help: But how detrimental has cigarette smoking gone? With respect to health risk, the review concluded that no level of consumption could be considered â€Å"safe,† and thus used to demarcate a risk threshold. Also, non-daily and light daily smoking behaviors consistent with current cigarette smoking but lifetime smoking below 100 cigarettes have been found to extremely vary across ethnic/minority subpopulations. (Ryan, Trosclair, Gfroerer, 2012) There are adults who are frequent daily smokers and adults who practice infrequent smoking. Those adults who have practiced infrequent smoking has shown that it can remain a stable pattern that lasts a long period of time, but that it also poses substantial health risk with adverse outcomes paralleling dangers observed among daily smoking. â€Å"Cigarette smoking still causes about three in ten cancer deaths among American adult. A total of 568,191 American

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Supply Chain Management in Qube Holdings Ltd

Question: Discuss about theSupply Chain Management in Qube Holdings Ltd. Answer: Introduction In order to meet the demands and needs of the customers, the business organizations aims to put importance upon their strategic planning, development as per that and finally the implementation of that. These steps are basically known as the supply chain management or logistics management with which the organizations try to provide their service or products to the customers appropriately. In this report, Qube Holding Ltd is regarded is that the logistics management along with the issues and recommendations for them can be discussed elaborately. Suitable theories and models adequately support the discussion. Background of the Organization Qube Holdings Ltd is regarded as one of the largest business organization of New South Wales (NSW), which indulges in warehousing, rail transport, logistics and stevedoring. It serves its facilities at almost thirty ports in Australia, where the rail services are distributed among Adelaide to Melbourne (Krishnapriya and Baral 2014). Therefore, this organization needs to have a well-structured logistics system so that they can provide their services to maximum number of Australian people. In this way, they also aim to increase their sustainability in the transport industry of Australia (Kushwaha 2012). Problems Faced by the Organization in their Supply Chain Management This organization, however, faces various types of challenges in their supply chain management for which they have to come across certain sustainability threats: Environment Related Challenges In order to stop the adverse climate change of the world, this logistics organization of Australia aims to put special emphasis upon building green logistics. They often face difficulty in maintaining the pollution rate and their amount of their defused gases that cause air pollution. On the other hand, seasonal changes like the heavy snowfall in winter and the hot and dry weather in summer creates difficulty to overcome the huge distances of two different Australian cities (Touboulic and Walker 2015). Natural disaster like cyclones, bushfires, floods etc often disrupted the regular lifestyle of Australian people. Therefore, it also creates obstacles for the transport systems of Qube Holdings Ltd and affects the equipments and infrastructures of the motorcars of this organization. Geographical Challenges One of the main challenges in the urban areas, faced by this organization is the congested traffic of Australia, especially at its headquarter in Sydney along with Melbourne. Due to this severe congestion in the roads, the motorcars of this organization are trucked and in this way, they fail to provide their customers on time service delivery (Ibrahim and Hamid 2014). On the other hand, high toll tax after every 115 kilometers cause a high range of financial expense of this organization every day (Simon et al. 2015). Moreover in Australia, local roads are rectified by the local government so that they can maintain the rapid increasing flow of vehicles. This makes the motorcars and free vehicles of this organization to take sudden changes to their decided routes, which sometimes takes more than the expected time. This logistics company of Australia often face distance related obstacle at the time of offering services to different cities, which is very much time consuming. For example, the distance between Melbourne to Sydney is 890 kilometers, which takes almost 11 hours (Blecker, Kersten and Ri 2015). On the other hand, the adverse road conditions along with the problems of animals cause severe damage to the vehicles of this organization and cause fatal accidents of the drivers. Legislation Related Challenges The safety act in Australia has become very strict with the passing time. After the employment of Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (NSW), all logistics organizations including Qube Holdings Ltd have to consider the safety of their employees more than their business profits. It causes hike of business costs of this business organization (Kushwaha 2012). For example, the employees of its warehouses need to be provided with suitable eyewear, steel covered boots, and hand covers etc so that they can ensure their safety at the time of working. On the other hand, the employment of Quarantine Act 1908 causes strict checking of the transported goods in order to erase the bad impact upon environment (Krishnapriya and Baral 2014). As a result, the transported goods of Qube Holdings Ltd such as animal materials, food items etc go through strict checking by the government. Sometimes it decreases the quality of the products. As the federal and local governments have to provide their shares in the improvement of health and education of different territories of Australia, this organization often finds difficulty in ensuring financial help from them. Demographical Challenges In the regional areas of Australia, the population grows in a very slow speed, while the population in the urban regions has high density. As a result, in rural regions of Australia, a number of highly efficient supply chain procedures are required. In rural regions, the supply chain management remains ineffective. On the other hand, the aging population of Australia intends to work in different business organization so that they can earn a lump sum amount with which they can spend their rest of lives. As a result, these people cannot show much efficiency to learn new things quickly (Krishnapriya and Baral 2014). For this reason, Qube Holdings Ltd faces difficulty in employing new technology to make their transport system easier. Technical Challenges The motor vehicles of Qube Holdings Ltd often face difficulty in meeting the extra costs after employing a completely new technology to improve the transport system of this organization. On the other hand, the big organization as Qube Holdings Ltd use same ERP systems but it is also found that some small organizations use different software. In such cases, this organization faces difficulty in dealing with a comparatively smaller organization. Moreover, this organization largely depends upon technology insofar as the dealings are concerned (Krishnapriya and Baral 2014). As a result, if the technology fails, the whole system of this organization automatically declines. Due to the severe distance between the cities of Australia, this organization often finds accessibility difficulty at the time of dealing in remote areas. In the smaller franchises of this organization, the employees often find difficulty to adapt any new system for which they resist against these procedures. As a resul t, Qube Holdings Ltd faces problems in employing new technologies. In addition, even if the employees try to adapt the new technology in their organization, they take sufficient time to get accustomed to the system (Touboulic and Walker 2015). As a result, their service quality to different ports and railways get affected. Suitable Theories and Models to Resolve them In order to make the supply chain management efficient and to minimize the issues, Qube Holdings Ltd can employ the Agency theory. As per this theory, both the principle and the agents of an organization work for self-interest (Fayezi, O'Loughlin and Zutshi 2012). As per this view, if the agents also work for gaining their self-interest, there is a possibility for them to value their own objectives and desires more than the objectives of the principle. Therefore, in order to overcome this situation, the agents are supposed to work to fulfill the objectives of the principle. Figure 1: Agent theory of supply chain management (Source: Simon et al. 2015) In order to minimize the amount of loss of the organization, the agents and the the principle are supposed to work together. In this way, they can achieve the organizational objectives more easily and effectively (Krishnapriya and Baral 2014). There are two different types of statements with which Qube Holdings Ltd can successfully implement the supply chain management in their organization. As per the first statement, if the interests of the agents and the principle of the organization become common, the organization can overcome the issues more easily and can achieve their desired outcome. In the case of Qube Holdings Ltd, it can also employ this strategy so that they can the principle, the management of this organization can have complete cooperation from the agents, i.e, the employees at the time of employing any new technology. On the other hand, he second statement includes the knowledge of the principle about the effects of the activities of the agents. It indicates at the red uction of risk factors at the organization. By applying this statement in the organization, Qube Holdings Ltd can successfully reduce the risk management factors in their organization by detecting the effects of the activities of their employees. However, there are certain negative aspects of this theory because it is based upon the possibility of the self-interest of the agents of an organization. There can be some agents who can aim to maximize the wealth of the principle (Krishnapriya and Baral 2014). On the other hand, the agents are supposed to have the responsibilities for their actions only because they work under some other people. Therefore, this theory rejects the freedom of the agents. In the case of Qube Holdings Ltd, the principle is supposed to be the management of this organization, while the agents are supposed to be the employees of this organization. Therefore, it can employ a sustainable supply chain management with the help of the cooperative employer-employee relationship. Recommendations for the Raised Problems Solution for Environment Related Challenges In order to build green logistics and minimize the environmental risks, this organization should employ eco-friendly technologies to make their transport system effective. They can reinvestigate their production procedure so that they can minimize the amount of defused gases. On the other hand, to combat the challenges of seasonal changes, Qube Holdings Ltd need to make plans earlier depending upon the weather forecasting (Kushwaha 2012). In this way, they can employ some heating arrangements in the vehicles for winter and cooling arrangements for summers so that the drivers can deliver the products with their exact qualities. Employment of efficient workers can help to minimize this obstacle to some extent. Solution for Demographical Challenges In order to avoid the demographical challenges, the management of Qube Holdings Ltd needs to employ deserved and efficient workforce so that the transportation systems can be conducted smoothly (Krishnapriya and Baral 2014). By rotating the duty schedules and providing proper trainings to every employee, this organization can ensure their employee efficiency and competence. Recommendation for Geographical Challenges For the congested traffic and road changes, this organization needs to go for another route through which they can easily execute their transportation plans. In order to solve this issue, this organization can relocate their warehouses to some non-congested location where they can reach easily. To avoid toll taxes, Qube Holdings Ltd can change their routes where they need not to give huge toll taxes. Moreover, they can go for huge loadings so that they can minimize the numbers of their road trips. In order to beat the distance related obstacles, this organization can go for railway transport system so that they can minimize the time. In addition, by employing skilled drivers and making the journey with forced breaks after certain times, Qube Holdings Ltd can overcome this problem (Simon et al. 2015). Employment of more warning signs for animals and the conditions of the road can decrease the number of accidents. Moreover, by inserting more protective equipments in the vehicles, Qube Holdings Ltd can ensure the security of the drivers and their expensive motor vehicles. Solution for Legislation Challenges In order to overcome the legislative challenges, Qube Holdings Ltd needs to be aware enough about different safety and quarantine related regulations of Australia. This organization should make suitable plans for maintaining the essential regulations of Australia. To ensure capital for this company can make lobby to different rich business groups, which can prove to be useful enough if they cannot manage capital from the government. Recommendations for Technical Challenges In order to reduce the resistance from the employees regarding the employment of new technology and make them efficient enough to adjust in them, Qube Holdings Ltd should employ skilled employees who can adapt any change instantly (Fayezi, O'Loughlin and Zutshi 2012). By making suitable planning for the purchasing decisions, this organization can become able to reduce additional business costs. Moreover, they should have back up strategies so that they can rediscover their data even if their technology collapses. Conclusion In this way, the logistics management of Qube Holdings Ltd is discussed elaborately. The issues in their supply chain management are described minutely. Suitable recommendations are also provided along with the related theory of supply chain management so that this selected organization can easily overcome their issues by applying them. Reference List Blecker, T., Kersten, W. and Ri, C.M., (2015), Supply Chain Security R Services. Proceedings of the Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL), 1(1), pp. 1-460 Fayezi, S., O'Loughlin, A. and Zutshi, A., 2012. Agency theory and supply chain management: a structured literature review.Supply chain management: an international journal,17(5), pp.556-570 Ibrahim, S.B. and Hamid, A.A., 2014. Supply Chain Management Practices and Supply Chain Performance Effectiveness.International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN (Online), pp.2319-7064 Krishnapriya, V. and Baral, R., 2014. Supply chain integration-a competency based perspective.International Journal of Managing Value and Supply Chains,5(3), p.45 Kushwaha, G.S., 2012. Operational performance through supply chain management practices.International journal of business and social science,3(2).p.55 Simon, A.T., Serio, L.C.D., Pires, S.R.I. and Martins, G.S., 2015. Evaluating supply chain management: A methodology based on a theoretical model.Revista de Administrao Contempornea,19(1), pp.26-44 Touboulic, A. and Walker, H., 2015. Theories in sustainable supply chain management: a structured literature review.International Journal of Physical Distribution Logistics Management,45(1/2), pp.16-42

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Low Demand for Life Insurance Among Common People of Bangladesh free essay sample

The most significant measure of an industry or an activity is its contribution towards employment generation, strengthening linkages with other sectors of the economy in promoting growth and stability, and creating a sizeable impact on the national income of a country. In developed countries, the Insurance industry is a necessary part of daily life and serves all the above mentioned purposes as opposed to developing countries where insurance is still dependent upon an individual’s net disposable income, religious beliefs and government policies. Hence the economic significance of insurance as measured by the total gross premiums to GDP is very high in developed countries in contrast to developing countries. Generally, insurance companies help businesses and individuals in managing risks which can severely impact their economic well-being. Moreover, insurance companies are also termed as the largest investors in capital markets, in addition to being characterized as the sole suppliers of insurance business to reinsurance companies. We will write a custom essay sample on Low Demand for Life Insurance Among Common People of Bangladesh or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Life insurance in Bangladesh is very small in comparison to the economy of Bangladeshi Bangladesh the average revenue generated by life insurance constitute only a small (nearly . 23%) of the GDP. Bangladesh has also a low per capita income in life insurance business compared to the other countries in the south Asia region. However the market has been steadily growing but not in a rate as it should be. Economic growth, expansion of infrastructure, industries, trade and commerce is leading to the expansion of the insurance market. Although Bangladesh has opened up its economy considerably in recent years with various reforms aimed at creating favorable investment environment, there are many barriers to encourage both foreign and domestic investment in the insurance sector. In Bangladesh the social security system or simply the security system is not so strong and life is highly in threat for many reasons including natural and man made reason. But it is found that life insurance demand is low in Bangladesh and people are fond to be indifference about life insurance. This is the area of research. 1. 1Brief discussion on the secondary Research Factors affecting the life insurance purchase have been the focus of insurance research for many studies. Studies have looked at numerous variables that might be significant in explaining the demand for life insurance. Many studies find conflicting result with previous research. Life insurance consumption is complex because country’s social structure, consumer attitude toward insurance and social security system play significant roles Demand for life insurance (Hwang Greenford, 2005). In many studies it is found that the relationship between income and life insurance demand is positively related (Browne Kim, 1993; Outreville, 1996) . There is no consistent finding concerning the effect of the level of education on the demand for life insurance (Browne Kim, 1993; Outreville, 1996). Several studies suggested that highly educated people are willing to accept that life insurance provides economic security for the family and thus tend to spend more on life insurance (Truett Truett, 1990; Browne Kim, 1993). On the other hand Anderson Nevin, 1975; found that income and life insurance demand are negatively related for middle income families and positively related for low and high income families. The effect of social security on the life insurance demand varies from country to country due to social security system (Hwang Greenford, 2005). It is found that the more the social security the less the need for the life insurance (Anderson Nevin, 1975). Industrialization and social structural transformation are directly related to shift in the concentration of the population to the urban area. The decline in the mutual support resulting from decline in the agricultural sector and the decline in the number of children per family industrialization make people financially independent and this increase the demand for life insurance (Hwang Greenford, 2005). The price of the life insurance and the demand for it are negatively related (Browne Kim, 1993). In the study of Browne and Kim (1993), average life expectancy is found to be an insignificant factor affecting the demand for life insurance. However, Outreville (1996) shows that longer life expectancy has a positive effect on the life insurance demand as it result in a reduction of price of the life insurance. Age is found to be inconsistent effect on the life insurance consumption as Truett Truett, 1990; found it is positively related to demand on the other hand Anderson Nevin, 1975 mentioned age is not significant in life nsurance demand. Marital status, family sizes are found to have positive, negative and no impact on the demand for life insurance (Zietz, 2003). Browne and Kim (1993) and Outreville (1996) reveal that inflation has a significant negative relationship with life insurance demand). Lim Haberman (2004) indicated that savings deposits rate and the price of insurance are two important macroeconomic variables associated with the demand for life insurance in Malaysi a. They measure the demand for life insurance in terms of the amount of sums insured rather than the number of policies and macroeconomic variable that was the consideration of the study were the level of financial development, income per capita, inflation rate, savings deposits rate, the price of insurance, stock market return and demographic variables –crude live-birth rate, crude death rate, fertility rate, life expectancy at birth . Religion may cause a cultural opposition to life insurance (Browne Kim, 1993). Life insurance industry in Bangladesh is very small to its economy and it has a very low per capita income in life insurance business compared to other countries of the South Asian region (Islam Mamun, 2005). Ahmad Khanal (2007) found that Bangladesh ranks 78th in the world and has world market share of 0. 01%. Per capita spending on insurance is only US dollar 2. 30. Insurance premia as a percentage of GDP remains low at 0. 57% where life insurance contribution is 0. 37%. So, Life insurance has a great impact in the economy of Bangladesh but it is not growing as fast as should be. Economic growth, expansion of infrastructure, industries, trade and commerce will lead to the expansion of insurance market. They also expect that the present low insurance penetration in the country points to the potential for future expansion. In Bangladesh there are 18 private and only one public life insurance company in Bangladesh. The private and public sector arrangement are simply inadequate to provide life insurance services to 140 million people of Bangladesh (BIA, 2000; Ahmed, 1997). The number of life insurance policy holder is not increasing satisfactorily (Uddin Uddin 1999). Lack of confidence, poor service quality and innovations in the product development in life insurance from the service provider side for the lack of interest in Bangladeshi people to buy life insurance (Solaiman Haque, 1999). Islam Mamun, 2005 identified fourteen factors which are responsible for poor demand for life insurance in Bangladesh of them most important factors are ifficulty in continuation of life insurance policy, claim settlement hurdle. Given the growing competition from various investment products as well as growing competition from non traditional insurance markets such as bank, the position within the financial industry of current insurance product must be carefully examined and however the change in technology demographic factors, economic environment, many of the significant findings from studies conducted in previous years may likely be considered obsolete (Zietz ,20 03). 1. Brief Discussion on the Primary Qualitative Study Primary qualitative research is very important stage in research since the findings create the basis for further studies and also opens up new arenas that might not have been discussed in the secondary research. During the research many different people holding different positions were met and each of them came up with opinions of their own. In certain cases the concerned people were completely in disagreement with each other’s opinions while in other cases they did agree on many issues. Therefore based on what was collected during the research it can be stated that even with diverse opinions there are agreements on many different issues concerning Liquidation of the insurance policies. This section of the report attempts to summarize the findings of the research. The insurance companies do not put ample importance to choose proper marketing strategy. The overall industry image is not positive and very nominal care has been taken to overcome that. The communication by the field representative is very limited and to be more precise only bounded around close relatives and known persons which hinder the growth of the sector. Representatives are not well educated, trained, or smart to impress a learned person. Insurance policy provides a very low return on the investment compared with the same amount of investment in other sectors like share market or banks. The premium once deposited can not be withdrawn at the time of emergency which creates a negative impact by providing constraints over liquidity of the instrument. Religion is a factor for not buying life insurance policy because most of the people of Bangladesh are Muslim and the Muslim has a negative mindset regarding life insurance. People of Bangladesh does not perceive value of their life to be of importance to attain a life insurance (They think that Allah will take care of everything after death) The legal structure of the country has failed to provide protection against any fraud done on part of the company. Once a premium is lapsed it becomes very difficult to get the previously deposited money back or restart the policy. Bureaucracy of the system and hazards faced by the people to realize claim is considered an important factor of low demand for life insurance in Bangladesh. The policy terms and condition is vague and difficult for people to understand which may be real or caused by the misrepresentation of the field worker. Most of the people of Bangladesh are financially insolvent. A large portion of people live in rural area with financial crisis. So, they don’t even think about to buy a policy of life insurance. Very little portion of our total population is financially solvent enough to buy life insurance. Very small percentage of our total population is educated and the percentage is even lower who thinks like an educated person. So, the consciousness about life insurance is very low. Job security in Bangladesh is not up to the standard level. People with low job security don’t even think about life insurance which would put more pressure on them as they perceived. Common people especially in rural areas perceive insurance companies as NGOs or Co-operative Society. Many of them have bad experience about NGOs or Co-operative Society. So, they lost their interest and confidence to open a new policy. Insurance policies provide a low return compared to the same amount of investment in stock, bonds, or savings therefore people are reluctant to opt for insurance policies. Insurance policies does not cover the scenario of inflation hence decreases the demand to obtain a life insurance. The whole industry was state owned for a very long period (1971-1984), during which there was no door to door activity or any effective development program that hindered the growth of the industry and the perception of a weak industry among people created a low demand. During the period of state ownership there were a large number of fraud cases that deprived the insured or the nominee to attain the benefits. The situation created a long lasting bad impression among the people and resulted in lost faith among the people. The social structure of Bangladesh is not favorable for life insurance in Bangladesh . because in Bangladesh family is still dominant by the joint family and when one people die other members of the family supports the family which was depended on the people died. There is absence of proper coordination of life insurance Company and bank in Bangladesh. There is no direct relation between a clients account with the bank and insurance company which make a people enable to debit their account to pay life insurance premium automatically. The absence of local reinsurance company is one of the most predominant indirect factors of low demand of life insurance in Bangladesh . in Bangladesh there is now no local reinsurance company. If there is local reinsurance company in Bangladesh the claim settlement in much case would be easier and faster which will give people idea and impression about life insurance. 1. 3Gap Analysis There were mainly a few gaps between the secondary and the findings of the quail research. The main areas of irrelevancy can be summarized as: †¢During qualitative we found that inefficient marketing and communication strategy is one of the main reason of low demand which was absent in the secondary review. †¢Proper training and education of field representatives was a highlighted factor of the qualitative research but was not found during the secondary research. †¢The low rate of return is another factor that results in low demand. †¢The absence of local reinsurance company is a factor that is very crucial. From secondary survey we identified that marital status as a factor but in the qualitative part we found that the family structure is more important. †¢From qualitative research we found in Bangladesh the bank and insurance companies are not integrated which is a common scenario in many of the European countries that is one of the reason for lapse.